Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is your travel radius?

    • 15 miles from our mailing address 8011 Brooks Chapel Road Nashville, TN

    • Between 15-25 miles beyond our travel radius will be an extra $50

  • How long is each session?

    • The first session is a comprehensive evaluation and is 75 minutes. Follow up appointments are 60 minutes each.

  • Can my baby be present?

    • Of course! We love babies, and it can be a great time to practice lifting and posture with baby present. We also understand not wanting to have to care for your little one during the session. Whether or not baby is with us is totally up to you.

  • Do you accept insurance or HSA?

    • We are out-of-network with all insurance providers. We are able to provide a superbill of services that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. It is the responsibility of the patient to understand their out-of-network insurance benefits as every plan is different.

    • HSA and FSA funds are accepted.

    • If you have any questions or concerns about insurance or payment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Do I need to do anything to prepare for my visit?

    • Please have all paperwork completed and submitted prior to your appointment so that we are able to review and prepare for your session.

    • Payment for treatment must be made prior to your session.

    • Consider a quiet, private space in your home where you would like your treatment session to take place. We will bring all necessary equipment!

  • What can I expect during a pelvic floor physical therapy appointment?

    • During your first session we will perform a comprehensive evaluation. This includes a thorough medical history as well as a full body orthopedic, postural, and pelvic physical assessment. We prefer to assess the pelvic floor muscles via internal digital palpation, but your comfort is always paramount to us and your bodily autonomy will ALWAYS be respected. You can choose to decline the internal assessment at any point in time.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    • 50% of service charge will be applied if notified of cancellation less than 24 hours prior to appointment start time

    • Full service charge will be applied if notified of cancellation less than 3 hours prior to appointment start time

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